What’s your story? Here is mine.

That’s my favourite question to ask when I meet someone new. I want to know more than just what you do, where you’re from.

I want to know what makes you tick, what makes your heart skip a beat! Here’s a bit about my story:

My heart soars when I’m out in nature with my sweet family. Give me a canoe, my camera, some wildflowers and birds and I will be happy forever.

I’m a mama to two wild boys and one puppy.

I’m a military spouse, married to my favourite adventure partner. We have lived in three provinces, moved five times in six years, and survived lots of time apart. I’d say I know a little bit about change (wink, wink) and am better for it.

I’m a deep and meaningful type of gal. I could sit by the fire and talk (or sing!) for hours.

I love movies that are based on true stories. I have been known to shed a tear or two when the hero or heroine overcomes all the odds to achieve their dreams.

My favourite section in a bookstore is the personal development section (or all the kids books…yes please!).

I am devoted to growth, development, and health. I believe we are our own best resources: the heroes of our own stories.

As the hero of my own story, I have gone to the depths to find my authentic self and promise you that I will shine my light and love in your direction when we work together, cheering for you as you explore your inner workings.

You are SO worth it, you fabulous human!

My Training

  • Certified Mind Rebel Practitioner

  • Certified coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF).

  • Masters of Arts, Higher Education Administration and Leadership, Royal Roads University

  • Bachelor of Education, University of Alberta

  • Bachelor of Recreation and Leisure Studies, Brock University

  • Over 15 years of experience in the non-profit sector, supporting student and parent transitions to university, engaging youth in effecting positive change in communities, leading dynamic teams, managing major grants and budgets, and more.

I’ve got all the credentials.The best training I have though is living my one wild and precious life.