I’m on a quest to help you find your joy and your confidence as
you navigate your life’s journey.


Work with me 1:1

Journey inward to remember who you are. You will release old ways of being, shine light into the shadows, and gain self-love and compassion. You will open into the limitless potential inside of you and emerge as the strong, capable, resourceful person that you have always been. This is a journey home: to yourself.


Group Coaching

I offer group coaching on topics such as cultivating self-compassion (being wildly kind to ourselves), navigating life’s transitions with courage, releasing emotions, and more! Follow me on social media to learn about upcoming groups or contact me and we can explore what groups may be a good fit for you!


The Circle of Love

Join my free, private Facebook community to connect with like-minded souls who care about uplifting others and coming together around topics that nourish our souls. Monthly coaching circles, live sessions, the first place I share about new opportunities!